【活動轉知】2024 FINDIT 閃約媒合會 即日起開放新創企業報名

【📢 2024 FINDIT 閃約媒合會 即日起開放新創企業報名!!! ✨】
#FINDIT #閃約媒合會 #新創企業 #募資媒合 #早期投資
快來報名參加 2024 #FINDIT閃約媒合會
【🔎 活動介紹】
訂於8/27(二)下午舉辦 「2024 FINDIT閃約媒合會」
【📣 活動資訊】
⏰ 時間:113年8月27日(二)下午1:30-4:10
📌 地點:張榮發基金會601、603會議室
👉 活動詳情:https://to.findit.org.tw/5zq8c6
🔥 報名截止:7/1(一) 中午12:00前
🔑 報名資格:須為B輪前(含)的科技新創(技術或商業模式創新)、須已成立公司(不受理行號/商行/企業社之報名) 且符合「中小企業認定標準(實收資本額在新臺幣一億元以下,或經常僱用員工數未滿二百人之事業)」,公司狀態須為營運中,成立年分以及產業不限,惟一家公司僅限提交一份募資計畫案。資料填寫完整有助於後續書面審查。
✅ 錄取標準:以報名表及募資簡報(BP)撰寫內容做為審查依據,報名表資料皆為必填,若未於截止日前提供BP(中英文皆可),則取消報名資格。另為鼓勵新進團隊,本活動將優先錄取從未入選過FINDIT所舉辦之媒合會/閃約之新創企業。
【🎉 媒合成果】
💰 閃約每年有超過120家新創報名,過去七年總促投家數84家、總促投金額約新臺幣22.56億元。
🎊 2023年共36家新創與32家投資機構參與閃約,共6家新創透過閃約獲得投資,例如:拍拍圈科技股份有限公司獲得AVA天使基金、達盈天使基金投資,及黑森科技股份有限公司獲得AVA天使基金投資。
【📢 Call for applicants for 2024 FINDIT Speed Dating!!! ✨】
Do you want to connect with investors and have the opportunity to communicate directly?
Sign up now for the 2024 #FINDITSpeedDating to get your business funded!
💡 This event is open for registration by startups only
【📣 Event Information】
⏰ Time: August 27, 2024 (Tue) 1:30-4:10 pm
📌 Venue: Chang Yung-Fa Foundation, Conference Room 601, 603
🌐 Event Website: https://to.findit.org.tw/5zq8c6
🔥 Registration Deadline: July 1, 2024 (Mon) 12:00 pm
🔑 Eligibility: Startups with its funding stages earlier than B series, regardless of industries and years of establishment, are all welcomed, yet innovative techniques and business model are required. Registrations from business stores, business administration service, however, are not allowed. Please be noted that startups should have established companies and still in operation. Business administration/business stores or companies suspended or halt operations are not eligible to apply. Moreover, startups should comply with the “Standards for Identifying Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, whose paid-in capital below 100 million NTD, with no more than 200 regular employees. Each company is restricted to apply for one fundraising business plan only, and completeness of the registration form will definitely be a plus to the review afterwards.
✅ Admission Criteria: The evaluation will be carried out based on BP contents. To encourage participation from fresh startups, this event will prioritize startups who haven't been selected into any matchmaking conference held by FINDIT before.
【🎉 Matchmaking Results】
💰 More than 120 startups sign up for the angel summit every year, with 84 investment cases, and investment amount reached NT$2.2 billion.
🎊 In 2023, 36 startups and 32 investors participated speed dating, and 6 startups received investment afterwards, such as PopChill (invested by AVA Angels and Darwin Angel Investment) and OTSO Fintech (invested by AVA Angels).
計畫分類: 計畫公告